saving . . . saved Can we write into any other format ? has been deleted. Can we write into any other format ? has been hidden .
Can we write into any other format ?
Like xls etc 

Need a suggestion ; As i know CSV reading is easier since its comma-separated

R Introduction-to-Data-Frames-in-R 07-08 min 30-40 sec 09-11-19, 11:58 a.m. umeshg


Excel formats can be used by loading a package with the name "readxl" by using "library(readxl)" command. If the package is absent then use command "install.packages("readxl")" first, to install the package and then proceed with "library(readxl)". After loading the package, use the function "read_excel()" in order to read excel files.
09-11-19, 12:09 p.m.

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