saving . . . saved could not install koha has been deleted. could not install koha has been hidden .
could not install koha
after giving command  sudo apt-get install koha-commn
message appears as
Reading package list ......Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information.....Done
E:Unable to locate package koha-commn
Please advice what to do further to install koha my ubantu version is 18.04

Koha-Library-Management-System Koha-installation-on-Linux-16.04 01-02 min 0-10 sec 20-10-19, 8:21 p.m. b8thayyil


As I see the above command is incorrect. Please use the Ubuntu 16.04 and run the command as below.
sudo apt-get install koha-common
22-10-19, 12:15 p.m. praving80

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