saving . . . saved Kicad Schematic does not opens (executes) when invoked has been deleted. Kicad Schematic does not opens (executes) when invoked has been hidden .
Kicad Schematic does not opens (executes) when invoked
Am using OS windows 7 (32-bit).  Installation thru and eSIM starts.  However after create project and clicking on the Open Schematic button the python command window displays an error after scrolling some more text !
Windows Error: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified

This has been repeated in-spite numerous restarts.
Am unable to add the error pic dialog in this interface here !!
Thanks and regards

eSim Schematic-Creation-and-Simulation 02-03 min 0-10 sec 04-09-19, 8:28 p.m. prasadjoshee


Could you please send the screenshot of your error on
05-09-19, 9:50 a.m.

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