saving . . . saved Icons has been deleted. Icons has been hidden .
Why is it that all applications are to be searched in the search option \r\nlike searching for gtext, searching for calculator, searching for \r\nterminal etc, rather can i see all icons  as in windows for all \r\navailable applications?

Linux Ubuntu-Desktop-16.04 10-11 min 50-60 sec 23-08-19, 11:23 a.m. kanthkavi


Like windows operating system, in Ubuntu Linux also you can see the icons as well as search.

Once you clicked the Dash home icon on the top left. Select the Applications icon in the below. This will display the icons of all the installed softwares.
23-08-19, 11:44 a.m. Arjunz123
When we click on the application icon, all the applications are not available. Please advise. THANKS.
23-08-19, 11:57 a.m. kanthkavi

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