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Conversion reactor problem
The conversion of carbon monoxide and hydrogen is Nan showing in the result of conversion reactor. In the master property table the molar and mass flow rate of mixture and individual component is also showing Nan in the vapour phase column

DWSIM Conversion-Reactor 13-14 min 10-20 sec 26-06-19, 2:23 p.m. sanskarpatel


Please follow the steps as described in the spoken tutorial and it should be working fine. If you are still facing issue, please send your file to
26-06-19, 5:46 p.m. priyamnayak

The reaction phase should be selected as vapor whereas you have selected\\r\\n it as the liquid. Please change the phase to vapor and run the run the simulation.
01-07-19, 2:24 p.m. priyamnayak
Thank you 

15-05-20, 4:59 a.m.

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