saving . . . saved Cat and Primes command are not working has been deleted. Cat and Primes command are not working has been hidden .
Cat and Primes command are not working
Cat command is not working, it is showing error "NameError: name 'cat' is not defined". 
While during Prime it is showing "OSError: home/fossee/primes.txt not found"

Python loading-data-from-files 01-02 min 10-20 sec 22-06-19, 12:25 p.m. naveenrajput


Please check if you have the file present in the specified directory, also on windows use "!type filename.txt".
22-06-19, 12:55 p.m. iakashchavan
Which directory...?? 
I am not able to run any command related to the path.
Please suggest the path for my saved file, which is as follows:

22-06-19, 2:35 p.m. naveenrajput
you can use !type <file-path>/<filename>.txt 

In your case Example: !type Desktop\\\\Fossee\\\\primes.txt
22-06-19, 2:59 p.m. ankitrj.iitb
Great now it is working....
Thank you very much... 
22-06-19, 3:25 p.m. naveenrajput

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