saving . . . saved using docuemtation/help for functions like abs? and round? has been deleted. using docuemtation/help for functions like abs? and round? has been hidden .
using docuemtation/help for functions like abs? and round?
the command abs? and round? are giving syntax error;.

Python-3.4.3 Getting-started-with-IPython 06-07 min 10-20 sec 25-05-19, 11:09 a.m. sunanda.gupta


Can you please tell us the error message?
A screenshot will be helpful.
25-05-19, 11:20 a.m. pratham920

<img alt="" src="c://desktop">it is giving syntax error

25-05-19, 11:24 a.m. sunanda.gupta

Unfortunately we are unable to view the attached screenshot. Please upload the screenshot to a Image viewing website such as and paste the link here.
25-05-19, 11:52 a.m. ankitrj.iitb

Hello, Please make sure that you are using the ipython interpreter console using the ``ipython`` command (note the 'i', which is different from the python interpreter console which is accessed using the ``python`` command)
25-05-19, 3:08 p.m. ankitrj.iitb

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