saving . . . saved interchange of three rows in matrices??? has been deleted. interchange of three rows in matrices??? has been hidden .
interchange of three rows in matrices???
how to interchange three rows in matrices???

Scilab Matrix-Operations 00-01 min 20-30 sec 04-05-19, 2:58 p.m. lavkeshpatidar


For 3*3 matrix A, type the following to get the 3rd row 1st, the 1st row second, and the 2nd row 3rd

A(1:3, :) = [A(3,:); A(1,:); A(2,:)]
04-05-19, 3:02 p.m.

04-05-19, 3:02 p.m. manasdas17

To change rows 1 and 2, type the following:
A(1:2, :) = [A(2,:) ; A(1,:)]
Follow the same steps given above for interchanging three rows.
04-05-19, 3:02 p.m. rashpat93

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