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Analysis inserter not working
I downloaded Oscad once again and reinstalled it. Whenever i click on analysis inserter an error appears on the terminal as "unregistered class failed with error 0x00000584 <class still has open windows>. How can I correct this?

Oscad Introduction-to-Oscad 00-01 min 0-10 sec 23-06-14, 2:43 a.m. swethakannan


Hi Swetha,

There was bug in analysis inserter for windows version. Now it has been fixed and available on website.

You can download and installed it again OR you can just replace the
The file can be found under OSCAD/analysisinserter

Let me know if you found any difficulties and error.
23-06-14, 12:19 p.m. fahim
Yes sir I installed it once again and it is working fine now.
23-06-14, 1:08 p.m. swethakannan

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