saving . . . saved Diary Command Regarding has been deleted. Diary Command Regarding has been hidden .
Diary Command Regarding
After type --> diary(0)

no files in files list (in all files folder) 

can you help me to get file folder ????

Thank you
Natesh C P
(1472 - KSSEM - Remote Center, Bengaluru, Karnataka)

Scilab Getting-Started 15-16 min 10-20 sec 04-05-19, 11:41 a.m. nateshcp


You need to find the path where that particular file has been saved.
To find path, type 'pwd' command.
04-05-19, 11:49 a.m. rashpat93

Hi Natesh,
The command didn't work for me the first time. Then I gave the complete address of the txt file like diary('Z:\Scilab codes\Sample.txt'), it worked!

08-05-21, noon SaiTeja141099

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