node number
Dear sir,
How can i see node number in kicad schematic?
Oscad Introduction-to-Oscad 00-01 min 0-10 sec
Node number is something that the netlist generator assigns to the nodes. It might be random and vary each time you generate a netlist. It is not possible to view this in the Schematic. Can you tell us why you need to know the node number?
Thanks for quicker response.I need to generate sub circuit for digital circuits.I am trying to make subcircuit.<span style="line-height: 1.428571429;">Nodes aren't matching with extracted subcircuit's cir and original cir.That's why i need to find node numbers.</span>
I don't think that is a problem, both are different netlists. If you could tell us what the error is or give more info about the project (you can share project files), then we can give a more meaningful answer.
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Please find following link. Ngspice gave wrong output due to mismatching.
<a href="" target="" title="first link">first link</a>
The component 'Vcc' that you have added to MUX input does not really do anything to your circuit. If you want to add a DC input you should add the component DC from the sourcesSpice library.
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Thanks for quicker response.I solved this problem manually.Extracted cir need vcc and gnd in subciruit. Please observe extracted spice circuit have random node number.If i can watch node number in oscad i can do it inside oscad not manually.Even one can plot output without vplot8_1 inside ngspice for debugging purpose.
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