saving . . . saved find the location of min element value and minvalue in the generated result has been deleted. find the location of min element value and minvalue in the generated result has been hidden .
find the location of min element value and minvalue in the generated result
Please tell me how to find out the minimum value of the element in the matrix and the location of that value in the matrix

Scilab Matrix-Operations 15-16 min 50-60 sec 16-04-19, 4:07 p.m. Chandra_Shekhar


If you want to calculate minimum value of mat A and its index then use,

16-04-19, 4:28 p.m. rashpat93

To find the minimum element in a matrix A, type y = min(A)

To find the indices of y, type [i1, i2] = find(A ==y)
16-04-19, 4:32 p.m.

[m,n]=min(p)  //for minimum value 

04-05-19, 11:26 a.m. sunilparkash

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