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How to enroll user to a course by using .cvs file?
I want to enroll user to a course by using .cvs file .
My user is already registered. I want to create new course. For this course I want to enroll users as a teacher using .CVS file.
Please provide solution.

Moodle-Learning-Management-System Uploading-and-editing-resources-in-Moodle 05-06 min 20-30 sec 19-03-19, 12:14 p.m. dewanand.bilewar


Please watch the tutorial "users in Moodle" and "user roles in Moodle".

Go through the "user-details-upload.csv" file in the code files link of the tutorial "Users in Moodle",

In the above CSV file, we have shown the course1 and role1 column for a student. In the same way, you can add for a teacher.
19-03-19, 12:56 p.m. NirmalaVenkat
my user is already register I want to register that user to my new course . upload new course using .cvs file
19-03-19, 2:23 p.m. dewanand.bilewar

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An already registered user cannot be registered once again through CSV file.

But any new user can be registered and enrolled to any course in any role, using CSV files.

To enroll a registered user to a course, you have to have Moodle site-admin rights.  If not, then contact your Moodle site-admin to enroll that user into your course.  Once the user is enrolled, you can assign Teacher or Student role to that user.
19-03-19, 3:11 p.m. nancy
I am system Administrator . I want to do this  in upload courses (while uploading course I want to assign user for my course)
19-03-19, 3:30 p.m. dewanand.bilewar

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We have already given all the solutions.  Pls implement as per the given suggestions.
19-03-19, 6:07 p.m. nancy
you are not getting my Question please call me or give me any no I will Explain (mobile No 9921243646)
20-03-19, 9:23 a.m. dewanand.bilewar

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