saving . . . saved plot lines has been deleted. plot lines has been hidden .
plot lines
when I enter my command the figure or the graph doesn't pop up 
and I am using MacBook Pro with ipython 8.23 and python 3.12

Python-3.4.3 Using-plot-command-interactively 04-05 min 50-60 sec 13-04-24, 5:17 p.m. prisha28


Check backend: IPython uses different backends to display plots. Sometimes, the default backend might not work well with your setup. You can try switching the backend using %matplotlib magic command. For example: %matplotlib qt or %matplotlib tk.Update libraries: Ensure that your plotting library (like Matplotlib) is up-to-date. Compatibility issues with older versions might prevent the plot from being displayed.Restart kernel: Try restarting the IPython kernel and running the code again. Sometimes, this can resolve issues related to plotting.Permissions: Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to display graphical windows on your system.Check for errors: Look for any error messages or warnings in the IPython console that might provide clues about what's going wrong.Test with a simple example: Try plotting a simple line or scatter plot with minimal code to see if the issue persists. This can help narrow down the problem.If you're still encountering issues after trying these steps, please let me know and provide more details about your code and any error messages you're encountering so I can assist you further.
23-04-24, 3:22 p.m.

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