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finding derivatives and integration in paraview ?
I am doing simulation on Natural convection using buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam, i got some results, for finding Nusselt number<font size="4"> Nu = -H/<font style="font-size: 18pt"><font face="Liberation Serif, serif">\u0394T</font></font>* \r\n\r\n<font style="font-size: 18pt"><font face="Liberation Serif, serif">(\u2202</font><font face="Liberation Serif, serif">T/</font><font face="Liberation Serif, serif">\u2202x)</font><sub><font face="Liberation Serif, serif">w here how to calculate derivative and also  integration  using paraview ? i dont have any awareness ? Thank you</font></sub></font></font>\r\n\r\n<font face="Liberation Serif, serif"></font>\r\n\r\n

OpenFOAM Flow-over-a-flat-plate 08-09 min 20-30 sec 07-04-16, 1:05 p.m. vnarayana.wgl


You can check the Gradient option in Paraview for gradient of temperature :

Filters > Alphabetical > Gradient

We will have to look into this since doing integration and derivative is new for us as well  in paraview.
07-04-16, 2 p.m. rahuljoshi

Dear Sir,
i found Nusselt number code in cfd online .
but i could not get the results. i am using openfoam 2.4 , ubuntu 15.04.
Instead of code , Is there any way to find "Derivative at the wall"  in paraview ?
28-04-16, 3:08 p.m. vnarayana.wgl

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