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About online tests and attendance approving system
This project is open source please ensure that there should not be any \r\nrestrictions for users(likeattendance approving system),by this \r\nfunctionality you arelimiting users to attempt test and get \r\ncertificates who don't have any invigilator or belongs to any \r\ninstitution.

Website-Information General None min None sec 05-11-15, 12:49 p.m. rampandey4u


Dear Ram Pandey,

This Project definitely has free and open source content useful for teaching and learning of various software.

However, all the tests are conducted under invigilation only.
The invigilator helps in preserving order and discipline at all times in the examination
centre. He/she also takes care to prevent candidates from copying each other\u2019s work or engaging in any unfair practice.

Kindly contact the Institute nearest to where you live and request them for a seat during their online tests.

Nancy Varkey
Snr Project Mngr

05-11-15, 1:06 p.m. nancy

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